Why is Gwernllwyn Different
Why are we different?
We are redefining care.
At Gwernllwyn Care Home, we believe that everyone deserves the highest standards of quality and care. Our team of experienced and passionate caregivers are dedicated to helping our residents do more of what they love in a safe and supportive environment.
We strive to provide the best care possible for our residents, and to ensure that they are able to make informed decisions about their lives and their wellbeing.
We are committed to our mission of having a positive and lasting impact on all that we do, enabling individuals to be confident, self-determining, with high self-esteem, so that they can live their lives to the full with meaning and purpose.
We are Gwernllwyn Care Home & we always listen beyond the words.
What We Do
Our assessment processes.
If you or your relative would like to consider coming to live at Gwernllwyn then please inform us, by email, telephone or in person.
Following the initial discussion, we will need to arrange a pre admission assessment.
This includes liaising with family with your permission of course and any professionals who may know you i.e., Social Worker.
A decision will be made at the time of assessment or shortly after on whether Gwernllwyn Care Home and the staff team have the skills and abilities to meet your individual needs.
If your needs can be met and you still wish to live at Gwernllwyn on a temporary or permanent basis, a care plan detailing all your needs and outlining information relating to your past, family, hobbies, likes and dislikes etc will be developed.
GP registration may need to be change but we will take care of that.
All that will be left to do at this stage is to decide when you would like to move in, and we can help facilitate the move and ensure that this is a smooth transition.
You can contract through the Local Authority or directly with Gwernllwyn Care Home, the choice will be yours!